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Executive Partners Program

Upcoming Events

The Chamber Mission

The Regional Chamber of Commerce – San Gabriel Valley shall be a premier organization providing advocacy, education, and networking resources for a better business and community environment.

The Regional Chamber of Commece proudly belongs to the

San Gabriel Valley Legislative

Coalition of Chambers

Advocating on Behalf of Business!

Message From the President/Chair of the Board



Greetings Regional Chamber Members:

Welcome to YOUR new Regional Chamber website! We are beginning the new fiscal year with several changes that we know will improve and enhance the services that you deserve as Chamber members. The launching of this new website is the first of many new innovations to come.  We hope you will find navigating through the new website provides you with the accessibility to YOUR Chamber information easily and effortlessly. Feel free to contact me with any feedback or suggestions.

YOUR Regional Chamber of Commerce is committed to being your partner in business -  Be it your marketing partner or your advocate on the legislative level ,the Chamber Board and staff wants to ensure we are your voice for business. Visit our new web site often for networking events, position statements on business in California legislation or simply know what it going on in your community. 

There a many more exciting activities to come so keep checking your Chamber website for the latest in events and business opportunities. Good things are happening at the Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley and we are excited that you are part of it!

Yours in Business,


Ben Su

Prosperity Wealth Management/First Way Insurance

President/Chair of the Board

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